Hilda’s Story; New Bedford Massachusetts


Reading together at a skilled nursing facility.

A wonderful resource to use as an activity

Meant to be shared! Caring for a senior who is dealing with dementia or other health issues can be challenging, but also joyful and rewarding. Hilda's Story: New Bedford, Massachusetts is an interactive read-aloud designed for entertainment, understanding, comfort, and connection.


A peek inside Hilda’s story

The straightforward story is upbeat, optimistic, and a delight to follow! Vintage photographs and fun illustrations are sure to bring up lots of cheerful memories. The carefully chosen images are accompanied by thoughtful questions that help spark conversation and encourage discussion. Get ready to be surprised and amazed by your loved one’s response!


that day I got to hang out with a WWII veteran

Mary Halliday joined the Navy WAVES ( Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service) in 1944. “I always wanted to be a nurse, but I never got around to it, so I thought maybe if I went into the Navy, they’d put me in a hospital,” she said. Halliday said she applied to return to the Navy at 50, but was denied for her age.

“I loved the Navy. I’d even go back now.”